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Friday 13 July 2012

Mobiles ban for girls:Aasra

AASRA (UP): Six pairs of lovers escaped in a go of this town of over 30,000 a year ago and married in court. Aasra was shocked. That was not the last straw. But when one of them returned to live here, the stench became unbearable. The village elders had to restore order. He gave a sign: No cell phones for women under 40. They do not go to market without escort. Children were forbidden to play the songs on their mobile phones on the streets.

Not only men, women were outraged Aasra alike, when the couple returned. "How can a brother marrying his sister and return to live here," 20 years of age, Asthma question. She just started Fiza Public School with the help of his father.Aasra is a little less than 100 km from Delhi, but still lives in the distant past. Most of the houses look similar. The usual portico, where the men's room. Cattle in the yard (and cars) and then the living quarters of the women rarely go out.

Two things had to be stopped. First, the weekly bazaar of spices and vegetables, says that 20 years of age, as Md Arif. He had become a meeting for young couples. Second, children had to be stopped from taking pictures of girls. "It is the abuse of mobile phone. Not fair, is that for the brothers to take pictures of her sisters and show them to your friends?" Shah Rukh said. 

Baraut, 20 km towards Delhi, is the nearest town where cell phones are sold. Aasra is not rich enough to afford phones per person anyway, says Shah Rukh, but laugh goes up. "The Chinese are moving everywhere," says a teenager who was quickly silenced. 


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