Bangalore: Father of Anjaiah Pawan Kumar, a techie from Karnataka, who supposedly committed suicide in a hotel in New Jersey recently, said Sunday that the family is committed to bring the body back to India by signing the appropriate forms, which had refused before.
"We have completed the forms, which we had previously refused to complete the procedure to bring back the body Pawan. We decided to fill the forms after U.S. officials by telephone, said it would take at least four months to get all reports, including autopsy and an investigation, "said Anjaiah here.
Pawan family had been asking for these reports as a precondition for signing the papers to bring his body to India.
Pawan Kumar Anjaiah, 26, a software engineer, was in the U.S. on a mission to Cognizant IT company.
The firm had said it had no influence on the request of the family and expressed his surprise with the "common" claims made by the family, some as a precondition for the return of the body.
Pawan, a techie from Karnataka Tumukur who was accused of murdering a woman in Pennsylvania Danielle Mehlman motel in Dewey Beach Delaware on June 18, allegedly committed suicide in a hotel in New Jersey on June 19. The drug overdose was suspected to have caused death.
"We have completed the forms, which we had previously refused to complete the procedure to bring back the body Pawan. We decided to fill the forms after U.S. officials by telephone, said it would take at least four months to get all reports, including autopsy and an investigation, "said Anjaiah here.
Pawan family had been asking for these reports as a precondition for signing the papers to bring his body to India.
Pawan Kumar Anjaiah, 26, a software engineer, was in the U.S. on a mission to Cognizant IT company.
The firm had said it had no influence on the request of the family and expressed his surprise with the "common" claims made by the family, some as a precondition for the return of the body.
Pawan, a techie from Karnataka Tumukur who was accused of murdering a woman in Pennsylvania Danielle Mehlman motel in Dewey Beach Delaware on June 18, allegedly committed suicide in a hotel in New Jersey on June 19. The drug overdose was suspected to have caused death.
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