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Tuesday, 3 July 2012

World Braves one of the worst summers, the second hottest May since 1880

NEW DELHI: It's not just India that is in the oven. Globally, this seems to be one of the worst summers in history. The average global temperature was the warmest May for the second time since 1880 - the year records were first compiled - USA National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), said. Only 2010 saw a worst month of May.

The CNDC said such heat in May has not been recorded in the northern hemisphere.

No scientist is going to fix climate change induced by man - that is scientifically untenable to do so - but many argue that these extreme weather events is planned along the lines of the rise in global temperatures.

For India, the imminent possibility of obstruction of El Niño rains of the monsoon in July and August only means that things may get worse. There is the slightest chance that the phenomenon of El Niño intensity is collected and struck the tail of the monsoon. Thirteen of the 20 times El Niño is registered, has lessened the intensity of the monsoon, causing widespread drought.

Already, the northwestern region of India has suffered rainfall deficit worse than the rest of India.

But the misery of heat is being felt around the world with "normal" weather systems in disarray. If large areas of the western Himalayas in Uttarakhand have been raging forest fires, so has the U.S. - More than 8 lakh hectares have been burnt down. The period from March to May for the U.S. has been the hottest ever.

Brazil is in the midst of the worst drought in five decades with more than 1,000 cities suffering. Heavy rains and hail unknown has affected China and flash floods have devastated crops in Ethiopia.

Eurasian snow cover extent has been in his short story for the month of May and that these records were kept for the first time in 1967. The cover was 2.67 million square kilometers below average in May, the U.S. CNDC said.

The southern hemisphere, where the winters prevail at this time, is also experiencing extreme than ever before. The Australian has been exceptionally cold winter, with the fifth coolest minimum winter temperature in over half a century of record keeping. The Antarctic sea ice extent has gone above the 1979-2000 average. In contrast, the Arctic sea ice showed a much smaller magnitude than the average for the same period.

The developed world is naturally better able to adapt and manage in extreme weather conditions such although even the resilience of societies with better financial and technological capabilities have been tested. For developing countries like India, lack of resources to implement emergency is too obvious. Floods in Assam are normal, but the intensity of the moment, with the first rains, have left all districts unprepared.

While rice farmers across the country can still have a window period for planting in time for the Kharif crop to be reasonably normal poorest farmers grow coarse grains have already lost substantial period spread throughout the country .

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